Well, I must say, it’s hard to tell if anyone will bother reading this, but let me spill the beans on the secret life of a post. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride into the fascinating world of behind-the-scenes blog action!

Anyone and everybody can post memes. Nobody owns them. It’s funny when some get upset when their posting of a meme is seen somewhere else and no credit is given to the original poster. It’s a parking spot in a public place. It’s free; nobody owns it, and most will not remember who posted or parked first anyway.

There isn’t a sure-fire formula for a successful or viral meme. Current affairs are a good start, but in the end, you never know what will get attention. Sexy memes are sort of a cheap laugh that gets eyeballs. With millions trying to post the top sexy meme, it’s hard (cheap laugh) to make something unique. So the same overused meme is pounded (did it again) into the ground.

Ah, behold! The mystical realm of deep thoughts about life, a treasure trove of safe memes that tickle the fancy of many a social media explorer. These delightful guides, my friend, are the catalysts that steer our daily journeys. A clever quote, my dear interlocutor, is the secret sauce of a seamless post. And if it manages to sprinkle some thought-provoking musings or contagious chuckles upon thy mortal soul, then rejoice! For it has fulfilled its noble purpose with flair and finesse.

Another trend is that those were the days memes. Talk about breaking out the Kodak slides and torturing with home movies. It’s nice to reminisce, but music is music; old cars were tanks, and yes, phones used to have cords. Life moves on!

Last I need to mention the facebook gangsters memes. Yes we have all been in Facebook jail and are still big and bad. At this point, so what! Put on your Hells Angels vest and show off your Facebook violation tattoo with pride.

Feel free to post whatever you’d like. Some posts will be funny, while others may not resonate with everyone. If you have a thought to share, go ahead, but remember that not everyone will feel as strongly about it as you do. Additionally, please continue to provide sex memes with naughty language and at least the explicit images so we can look at sort of porn. Remember that there are dedicated websites for that purpose. I’ve heard.